By Sangeetha Saran
Yoga is many things to many people. Yes, it has mental and emotional benefits, but who is kidding who? Do students look past the physical benefits? Let's address the needs of the people and eventually those loyal students will see how their lives changed due to yogic practices.
Yoga for a Healthy Body
It really does a body good,
both inside and outside. Famous people practice it for the simple reason that
it works in a multitude of beneficial ways. You can't fake yoga. You must be
committed. You must invest in a consistent yoga routine to achieve the balance
and spirit that keeps a body centered.
"It puts you in the right
place." – Meg Ryan
"Yoga really purifies your
organs and your blood. The real lesson yoga brings you is learning to be
present." - Christy Turlington
"Yoga calms me down. It’s a
therapy session, a workout, and meditation all at the same time!" -
Jennifer Aniston
"I do some yoga every day."
– Gisele Bundchen
Of course, yoga is there for
everybody, not just for the slender celebrity. This ancient practice has been
embraced by many people around the world and not just for all the bending and
twisting that goes with the discipline. Yoga is all about controlled breathing,
yoga postures (asanas) and meditation.
Take for example the Sarvangasana, or
shoulder stand. The position is fondly called the 'mother of all asanas,'
because when done properly, the shoulder stand zeroes in on several key zones
and functions of the body. The pose delivers a lot in the name of health and
The Sarvangasana helps many yoga
students maintain a slim physique because when the body is held in that
position, the thyroid gland is stimulated. The blood supply is increased in the
throat area, allowing the thyroid to function normally, and therefore, to aid
in weight control.
The shoulder stand is also excellent
for improving circulation. The pose allows blood to flow out of the legs,
especially benefitting those with varicose veins. Since the spine is inverted during the Sarvangasana, flexibility gets stronger and energy is boosted.
The Sarvangasana is an important
position for asthmatics says N.V. Raghuram, a yoga guru from India. "In
this posture," he says, "the diaphragm muscle is strengthened because
it has to work against gravity. This opens the chest and improves lung
It's pretty amazing that practicing
an asana like the shoulder stand can keep one in great health. Yoga gives back
so much to the student who learns that the head, heart and hand are all
connected. Reaching that harmony becomes a wonderful way of living.
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