
Sunday, May 02, 2021

5 Tips When Teaching Vinyasa Yoga

creating vinyasa sequences
By Faye Martins

Vinyasa Yoga takes the idea of flowing breath and synchronicity to a new level. Movement is literally synchronized to each breath, and it is oftentimes called Flow Yoga because of how well it corresponds to every inhale and exhale. This technique, or term, is oftentimes used in all types of Yoga, and teaching it effectively is key to seeing success in your students. Since Vinyasa Yoga can be taught in multiple forms, using it in your classes helps you develop them better and more effectively. Use these tips to start teaching Vinyasa Yoga more effectively.

5 Tips When Teaching Vinyasa Yoga

- Stick To Your Own Personal Teaching During Classes

Even though Vinyasa is a technique added to a wide range of Yoga forms, you have to still build it into your own idea. There isn't a specific philosophy or rule book for you to follow, so your own ideas and personality can shine through in your teachings. The key is to make sure you incorporate this form of flowing Yoga effectively.

- Don't Feel Limited 

Just because you don't do Bikram Yoga or a strictly Vinyasa Yoga class, it doesn't mean you can't utilize this form of teaching to students. A wide range of yoga practices are incorporating this flowing type into its form. Just a few of them include Ashtanga, Anusara, Hot Yoga, Forrest, Jivamukti, Moksha, and Power Yoga.

- Start With Your Mat But Help Your Students As You Continue

You are of most use to your students when you are helping them. Go ahead and get into the stretch with them, but try not to stay in the pose with them. It is hard in the first few classes that you teach, but don't be afraid to watch them and correct them whenever you can. This is the key to seeing their capabilities and watch their growth, along with helping them enhance their poses.

- Speak Slowly

As a teacher, it is easy to try and speed up through the entire sequence and teach them as fast as possible, but you want to be slow. When you go from one breath into another pose, you want it to be smooth and not feel rushed or forced. Talk slower than your possible slowest.

- Practice The Sequence Beforehand

It is vital that you know the sequence and that you have done it before. This is even more crucial when it comes down to Vinyasa Yoga because everything needs to be synchronized to your breath. Find out how the sequence works, make sure it corresponds with good breathing, and that the sequence will benefit your students. You don't want it to be too quick of a sequence and it really builds up in the body.

Always remember that in Vinyasa Yoga, breathing is so important, so be sure to craft your sequences so it flows repeatedly from one pose to another. In classes when you're learning all of this, you get more in depth ideas on crafting sequences correctly. Remember that your own body needs to be taken care of so be sure to practice at home and to utilize this time to work on sequences for your class as well.

This also allows you to practice outside your classes so you can better focus on them during the class itself.

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parvezbdjsr said...

A teacher always should remember that breathing is so important in Vinyasa Yoga, so be sure to craft the sequences so it flows repeatedly from one pose to another. Thanks for sharing this good article.

Unknown said...

Vinyasa Yoga can be taught in multiple forms, using it in a classes helps to develop the students better and more effectively. Nice share.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the share. Yes students like to see new creative poses that motivate them than do standard poses

kidney cleanse diet said...

Great tips has been shared here on yoga and the benefits of doing Vinaysa Yoga. Really a nice and useful blog shared here with us. Thanks and keep sharing more with us.

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