
Monday, January 25, 2016

How The Internet Changed Yoga Teachers

yoga teacher education
By Kimaya Singh

The Internet is a creative tool that has made life easy or complicated. It is now easier to pay bills, link with friends and family members, purchase products and even learn the course of your choice. Yoga teachers, on the other hand, have found much relief through sending information online. First of all, teachers can reach as many students as possible and send them the latest newsletter to stay in touch. When it comes to Yoga teacher education, the main factor to consider is the manner of how you intend to absorb all of the new information within your field. 

It is annoying to jump into numerous websites that have limited information on what exactly you need. In this case, finding a well-organized web site that is related to yoga topics such as the recent studies and student safety could be handy to any visitor. An ideal site should have content that gives teachers tips and useful information. Instructors use the Internet for continuing education and pass on the lessons to educate their own students.

Video Channels

There are many choices from YouTube to paid subscriptions. It really depends on what you are looking for, because there are many different styles. If you are looking for variety, Aura Wellness Center has lectures for teachers and a series of 3D "How to Practice Yoga at Home" Vinyasa videos that you can use for warm-ps, salutations, and flows. 

Reaching out to Students On the Internet

Teachers have never been able to reach so many students before thanks to the Internet. Maybe you want to reach a larger audience, share your knowledge, or write a manual to help students. Some teachers use the Internet to advertise their annual retreat. What ever your reason, here are some other ideas to help you educate others, and learn new skills in the process.

Make Use of Podcasts

Ideally, as much as the podcasts will require more tools, they are the best option since they deal with the spoken voice. You can be creative enough to post the podcast on blogs or websites. The only secret is to make it downloadable on any MP3 player or PC. With this setup, it is possible to run interviews and provide many presentations. Podcasts are exciting as anyone can listen to them anywhere and it's less dense than an average blog.

How Much Time Do You Really Have?

Website creation is not for everyone, but a blog or a social media presence gives you good reach for minimal effort. The creation of content and maintenance of a website needs extra time. The inclusion of photos and diagrams also need to be done on a regular basis since your online visitors will expect new information on a daily basis.

Bringing yoga lessons online is very rewarding, as more students will be reached in an interactive and efficient manner, but maybe you would be better to develop a Facebook page. There are also some online groups specifically about yoga training that could be beneficial to your students as they will share and learn from various sources and other experiences.

Embrace Social Media Networks

The Internet works better through networking. Yoga teachers should, therefore, come up with a Facebook page and create a community that will amass many students and yoga lovers to like and join them. Other useful resources could be short tutorials on YouTube, Google Groups, Pinterest, among others. Marketing yourself online as a yoga teacher has many benefits as it increases your student enrollment and makes you better as you will keep on learning while you engage with different people online and respond to their comments. Facebook and AdWords also have paid local advertising options, if you want to build a local presence.

Gravitate to Your Niche

Yoga teachers are specialized in different areas, and it is better to be focused in the area where you are familiar. For instance, if you are a vinyasa yoga instructor, then it's ideal to specialize for the yoga that is meant for fitness oriented students. The yoga studios as well should as well be inclined on a certain niche to bring ultimate results.

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1 comment:

parvezbdjsr said...

The Internet works better through networking so using internet is good for yoga teacher to increase yoga students network.

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